The Teachers’ Standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional practice and conduct of teachers. So, how are teachers meant to use them effectively?
The Teachers’ Standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional practice and conduct of teachers and define the minimum level of practice expected of teachers in England.
They were initially created by an independent review group of leading teachers, headteachers and other experts.
So, how are teachers meant to use them effectively?
The Teachers’ Standards are useful to different types of educators, for example:
Used to review their practice and inform their plans for continual professional development (CPD).
Observing teaching and being observed, and having the opportunity to plan, prepare, reflect and teach with other teachers can help to improve the quality of teaching.
Teachers require feedback on their teaching and the opportunity to observe others in the classroom.
The Teachers’ Standards must be used by initial teacher training providers to assess when trainees can be recommended for qualified teacher status (QTS).
The Teachers’ Standards must be used by schools to assess competency for early career teachers at the end of their induction.
The Teachers’ Standards must be used by maintained schools to assess teachers’ performance. They can be used by all schools and teachers to identify development needs and plan professional development.
Headteachers and other appraisers should use their professional judgement and common sense to assess teachers to a level that is consistent with what should reasonably be expected of that teacher, given their role and level of experience.
Teachers applying to access the upper pay range will be assessed as to whether they are highly competent in all elements of the Teachers’ Standards and whether their achievements and contribution to an educational setting or settings are substantial and sustained.
In addition to the Teachers’ Standards, governing bodies have the option of also assessing headteachers’ performance against the 2020 Headteachers’ Standards.
Ofsted inspectors will consider the extent to which the Teachers’ Standards are being met when assessing the quality of teaching in all schools (including academies).
How can SchoolIP help your school set the standards for teaching?
SchooliP is a robust framework for whole school improvement that links evidence of staff professional development to improvement planning and whole school self-evaluation.
Standards or competencies may be assigned to staff, consisting of a variety of roles across the school, from teachers to support staff.
Staff may freely rate their progress against the standards at any time throughout the review cycle, posting evidence to back up their claims.
To provide feedback, line managers may also rate the staff members’ performance against the standards, allowing for dialogue where invariably differences of opinion occur.
The dialogue should be open and supportive, with an emphasis on improving the overall quality of teaching and learning.
If you’d like to find out more about how SchooliP is helping to set the standards, simply book a free online demonstration by clicking here.
Ref: Department for Education – Teachers’ Standards – How they should be used?
REF: The Teachers’ Standards –
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