Implementing a Comprehensive Risk Register with SchooliP Audits Module for Multi-Academy Trusts


In this insight, we’ll explore how SchooliP’s Audits module provides a robust solution for implementing a comprehensive Risk Register tailored to the specific needs of MATs.


In the dynamic environment of education, managing risks effectively is crucial for the success and sustainability of educational institutions, especially for Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) overseeing multiple academies. SchooliP’s Audits module provides a robust solution for implementing a comprehensive Risk Register tailored to the specific needs of MATs.

Here’s how we have set up the Risk Register across various domains:

1. Support:

– Identify risks related to the availability and effectiveness of support services.

– Link risks to specific support functions, such as teacher training or student services.

2. Ofsted:

– Assess risks related to Ofsted inspections and compliance.

– Outline strategies for maintaining or improving Ofsted ratings.

3. Safeguarding:

– Highlight potential risks associated with safeguarding procedures.

– Allocate responsibilities for maintaining a safe and secure environment.

4. Budget:

– Identify financial risks and uncertainties.

– Connect risks to specific budgetary categories and allocate resources accordingly.

5. Leadership Capacity & Collaboration:

– Evaluate risks related to leadership capacity and collaborative efforts.

– Propose actions for strengthening leadership and fostering collaboration.

6. Governance:

– Assess risks associated with governance structures and practices.

– Define measures to ensure effective governance and compliance.

7. Academy Improvement & Self-Evaluation:

– Pinpoint risks that may impede continuous improvement.

– Link risks to areas of self-evaluation and improvement plans.

8. Curriculum:

– Identify risks affecting curriculum delivery and development.

– Establish strategies for curriculum enhancement and risk mitigation.

9. Pupil Progress:

– Evaluate risks impacting student progress and achievement.

– Incorporate risk-mitigation strategies into academic plans.

10. Behaviour and Attitudes:

– Recognise risks related to student behaviour and attitudes.

– Devise interventions and initiatives for positive behavioural development.

11. Personal Development:

– Assess risks to individual student development.

– Implement measures to enhance personal growth opportunities.

12. Stakeholder Views:

– Identify risks associated with stakeholder perceptions and feedback.

– Plan actions to improve communication and address concerns.

13. Contextual:

– Evaluate risks arising from external factors affecting the academies.

– Formulate contingency plans for adapting to changing circumstances.

14. Statutory Compliance and the Website:

– Ensure compliance with statutory requirements.

– Mitigate risks related to legal issues and website management.

15. Estates and ICT:

– Address risks concerning infrastructure, estates, and information technology.

– Develop plans for maintaining and upgrading physical and digital assets.

Whenever a risk is identified, it is crucial to connect it to the Academy Improvement Plan. Key staff members are assigned responsibilities, and realistic timescales for completion are established. This integration ensures that risk management becomes an integral part of the continuous improvement cycle.


As a call to action, we invite you to experience firsthand how SchooliP’s Audits module can revolutionise your risk management processes. Book a free online demonstration here and explore the tailored implementation of the Risk Register for your MAT, empowering you to navigate the complexities of education with confidence.

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