
Allow users to engage in conversations, exchange ideas, and share opinions on various topics. Users can initiate discussions or contribute to existing ones by posting comments or replies.


All major platforms are supported for easy processing of payments. This provides peace of mind for users that they are making secure monetary transfers. Users are able to log into the site and have full password security. Celsus promotes efficiency and ensures that revenue is collected immediately.


Celsus has an eLearning feature to facilitate online learning and training activities.


All of your events such as training and social occasions can be quickly communicated with your database. Full booking systems and payment gateways are included to increase convenience for purchases. This enhances event management and improves engagement with users.


The framework module allows you to define your current suppliers and the frameworks they have been awarded.


The jobs module within the platform facilitates the process of finding, applying for, and managing job opportunities.

Knowledge Hub

The knowledge hub is a centralised platform or repository designed to store, organize, and share information, expertise, and resources within an organisation or community. It serves as a comprehensive source of knowledge on specific topics.


Your membership database can easily be managed as sensitive information is securely stored. Resources can quickly be shared with members and interaction is actively encouraged. Collaboration is at the heart of the Celsus and it helps to facilitate interaction.

News & Blogs

Celsus allows you to create and share all your latest articles. This ensures that all your users are kept abreast with your current developments. Articles can be easily uploaded and direct feedback from users can be obtained. Furthermore, forums are available where users can exchange ideas and network.


The newsletter feature allows users to subscribe to, receive, and access newsletters containing relevant content, updates, or announcements.


The partner area with Celsus allows all key partners to be specified along with links to their products and services.

Professional Development

A professional development facilitates the growth, learning, and advancement of individuals in their careers or fields of expertise.


Celsus’ upload feature allows documents to be quickly posted online. This allows access useful information in a convenient and central place. Our secure log in system means that access levels to sensitive information can be controlled.


Celsus allows the creation of bespoke surveys that can be shared with your users or publicly available. Surveys can be used for customer satisfaction, event feedback etc.

Team Pages

The team page feature provides information about the members of a team or organisation.


The tender/procurement feature allows the advertising of any current tender/quote opportunities within the organisation.


The webinar feature within Celsus allows the organisation to advertise and manage all of its webinars.


Celsus from Derventio Education is the trusted content management system for many organisations. It has the capacity to cater for organisations with 1,000’s of users. Celsus is the complete tool for your website and its automated processes have the power to save valuable time for administrators. Celsus encourages collaboration and greater cohesion amongst users. Overall, users are able to easily access the information they require and website activity is increased.

" Celsus is an effective way to manage your online content to enhance the experience for all of your users."  |

Our satisfied customers

Don't just take our word for it though. Click on the links below to find out how Celsus is being successfully used by many organisations.

Customer Quotes

Our experience with Derventio in integrating our e-learning platform into our existing database was exceptional. They demonstrated a deep understanding of both our database structure and the e-learning platform, ensuring a seamless integration process. We now have an e-learning platform which users sign into via their existing website account, without the need for any additional credentials, saving members valuable time and increasing the take up of e-learning courses.

Amanda Darley

Head of Operations and Engagemen - BUFDG
Derventio has been an invaluable partner in developing our customer relationship management. Their bespoke CRM system, Celsus, has seamlessly integrated into our operations, providing us with efficiency and insight into our member interactions. We are continually developing the system and Derventio are committed to ensuring that the system meets our unique needs and exceeded our expectations.

Jane White

Executive Director - AUDE

Celsus is an effective way to manage your online content to enhance the experience for all of your users.

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