Derby College



  • Supporting busy staff with professional development
  • Easing the burden of workload for staff
  • Time consuming producing reports


  • Easy to use
  • Reduces staff workload
  • Provides College data


DCG is a large College serving Derby, Derbyshire and East Nottinghamshire. With four sites, including our large Land-based provision at Broomfield Hall, it has around 5,000 full-time 16-18 students, over 7,000 adult students and over 2,000 apprentices. DCG provides 7 T Level routes, having been an early adopter in 2020, and is the location for the new East Midlands Institute of Technology (in partnership with the University of Derby, Loughborough University and Loughborough College), focusing on Higher Technical Qualification pathways and curriculum development.

DCG has a significant number of High Needs students, being the LA preferred 16+ Provider. It also has the 7th largest number of students studying English and Maths GCSEs (of all similar providers) and more than one-third of its students are disadvantaged.

Derby College
CHLOE SMITH, HR Operations Administrator
“...really good system, super easy to use...”


HR Operations Administrator


We asked Melanie the following questions:

What led your school to choose CollegeiP as a solution? Were there specific challenges you were trying to address?

We wanted a system that enabled a partnership between teachers and assessors and their managers. CollegeiP provides opportunities and scope for professionalism of our educational workforce - they can evidence their independent CPD, record it and reflect on it. They can link this to their performance objectives. They can reflect on observed sessions prior to any professional discussion with the observer, and they can summarise the intent of a session prior to observation (we have developed forms for this). For us, CollegeiP was a system that aligned with our values and improvement priorities.

Can you describe the process of implementing CollegeiP at your college?

With any new system, it is challenging. We have been well supported through customer service, and adaptations have been quickly implemented to enable it to serve the needs of a very large organisation.

Which features of CollegeiP have been most beneficial for your college?

Performance objective setting, monitoring, the links between check ins/evidence and performance objectives, Forms development for performance recording and analysis.

How customisable is CollegeiP to meet the unique needs of your college?

With the support from Derventio, we have been able to customise it reasonably well.

Would you recommend CollegeiP to other colleges, and if so, why?

Yes, as it provides a platform for both managers and their teachers to use, collaborate with others and can produce performance reports. It is fairly easy to navigate and can also host Policies. Customer support is responsive and there is a solution-focused approach by the company.

What advice would you give to other colleges considering the adoption of CollegeiP?

Have a demo, a mock trial before switching over. Pilot first.

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