All of the stakeholders within your school are catered for in SchooliP.
Easily manage CPD & record the impact.
Before SchooliP I spent an average of 3 hours per week preparing CPD reports, now they are pushed to me automatically in SchooliP.Upload individual or group CPD activities quickly and easily, then the effective SchooliP reporting tool will automatically populate your reports in real time. Courses can be effectively managed including tracking the impact of teaching and learning, to ensure that courses are a worthwhile investment.
Identify issues & keep Governors informed
SchooliP enables me to see through all of the information and quickly identify where the problems are.Take a strategic view of school improvement with the headline information you need, at your fingertips with SchooliP. As well as identifying issues and areas for improvement, SchooliP also helps you to see what your school is doing well. This enables you to create plans to fix problems but also to publicise and share the things you are doing well, with all stakeholders including Governors.
Simply collate information and manage your SEF
I am responsible for pulling together information across all areas of our school improvement processes, and SchooliP facilitates this being pain free and quick.Working in between the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team, SchooliP enables you to collate all information regarding performance management, CPD, improvement planning and the self-evaluation form, in one single solution. Effectively put together and manage your SEF utilising your preferred SEF (Ofsted, ISI, Estyn, and others). Whether you are responsible for all areas of the SEF or just some, SchooliP allows you to manage the school more effectively, taking into account the improvement plan and facilitating collaboration.
Easily facilitate your school improvement and SEF responsibilities
SchooliP allows us to perform less like a wasps nest and more like a bees nest.Teaching is your priority (and rightfully so we believe) and SchooliP helps to remove some of the stress of other tasks that still have to be completed. Perhaps you’re responsible for one aspect of the quality of teaching, learning or assessment, or maybe behaviour or welfare, whichever area SchooliP can help you effectively manage this. SchooliP enables you to monitor your improvement planning or SEF related tasks online and from a single solution.
Online access to the SEF
I suggested SchooliP to our SLT as something that could save us time and money, as well as a solution to support our school improvement.Teaching is your priority (and rightfully so we believe) and SchooliP helps to remove some of the stress of other tasks that still have to be completed. Securely accessed online, SchooliP enables you to answer all sections of the SEF for your department, quickly and easily. To help make life a bit easier the system will send you useful alerts when you are required to complete information by a specific deadline, enabling you to manage your time.
Evidence of standards and performance
SchooliP provides a transparent dialogue with regards to staff performance and performance related pay.Document evidence of your performance and show that you are adhering to standards within your own personal SchooliP portfolio. Plus utilise the blog and other areas for recording dialogue with your manager, to ensure transparency and aid with your performance related pay. In addition, whether you are directly involved in the SEF or improvement plan or not, SchooliP will help you to see and understand what the priorities for the school are. This allows you to make suggestions for evidence such as “I see we’re doing this, did you know in my lessons I’m doing...” which could provide vital evidence for inspections, and or help other staff.
Easily manage your performance
SchooliP ensures my performance is reviewed too.Every member of staff within a school is involved in school improvement and safeguarding, and all performance management should be monitored for all staff. Whether you are part of the administration team, catering staff, or maintenance staff, SchooliP enables you and your manager to set targets and ensure that you are adhering to any required standards (eg Health & Safety). Your performance can be effectively managed online.
Manage performance and CPD costs
Our CPD co-ordinator provides me with SchooliP reports which demonstrate not only our CPD spend but also the impact on teaching and learning, enabling me to approve or direct further spend.SchooliP has been proven to save valuable staff time and effort, whilst being a cost effective solution. As well as providing financial reporting around training, it can also help you to review performance management, ensuring that reviews are being carried out across all staff. This is especially helpful if you are a School Business Manager who is responsible for HR.
Clearly see performance information
I can see headline information regarding the schools improvements.Governors can either have a login to SchooliP, or be sent reports that are automatically generated and e-mailed to them from within the system. You can clearly see the impact of improvement and improvement plans for the school, as well as the impact that various CPD activities have had including paid training. There is no longer a wait for someone to collate and produce this information for Governors, saving time and streamlining processes for sharing information.
Assurance of CPD for teachers
The school have shared with us the things that they are doing well.SchooliP enables schools to record, evidence and measure the impact of CPD on teaching and learning which is positive for both students and parents. The headline information it provides to Headteachers means that parents can be assured issues are quickly and easily identified, in order for action plans to be put in place. It also means that Headteachers can publicise and share the things they are doing well, which is important for students and parents to understand.
Discover how our comprehensive solution can empower your staff, streamline appraisals, enhance well-being, and revolutionise school development and policy management.
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