A solid foundation for lesson observation


Try our form template structured around the current standards used in many UK schools, including key aspects emphasised by Ofsted and best practices in teaching and learning.


Monitoring has moved from isolated observations to a comprehensive, collaborative approach that focuses on teaching and learning over time. recognising the complexities that effective teaching is dynamic and varies daily. Schools have adopted innovative monitoring tools to ensure a clear and balanced picture of performance, prioritising both teacher development and student outcomes. Frequent, short “drop-ins”, work scrutinies, data analysis and interviews provide a more holistic snapshot of teaching practices. Monitoring is not about judging teachers but understanding how teaching impacts learning. Monitoring is framed within a collaborative culture where strengths and areas for development are identified together. This process is essential for overcoming ingrained habits and introducing new teaching strategies. SchooliP revolutionises monitoring by integrating all aspects into a single platform.

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