
New school improvement dashboard


We showcased our new school improvement dashboard at the Schools and Academies Show in Birmingham last week.


We showcased our new school improvement dashboard at the Schools and Academies Show in Birmingham last week. If you missed it, then you can catch up on all the details here.


What does the new dashboard do and why do we need it?
The new dashboard is split into three key areas for school improvement which should be linked; self-evaluation, school improvement planning, staff appraisal, and professional development.

Self-Evaluation and Inspection Outcomes

The new dashboard not only provides insight into the latest inspection results for each of the schools in a trust or federation but also provides the current self-evaluation outcomes and shows the current position of these schools.


School Improvement Planning

Improvement plans are sometimes inaccessible and not transparent, and leaders may wait several weeks to reveal the current status of activities across all the schools in a trust or federation.

With the new dashboard, leaders can see the current status of these activities and delve deeper to understand the issues arising and any support needed.


The appraisal process and staff professional development
The new dashboard provides a detailed insight into the current status of staff appraisal and professional development, across each of the schools in the trust or federation.

It includes detail about the outcome or impact of any training received and the costs involved.


There’s a detailed analysis of the quality of teaching over time, indicating how monitoring outcomes have changed over a number of terms and/or years.

There’s also detail on those staff who are considered at risk of not meeting their objectives, intended to indicate where support is needed and channel improvement. There is also a range of indicators for targeting support for staff development including observations that are not at least good, and staff that is not meeting the required standards.

When will this dashboard be available? Who will receive it?
This new dashboard will be available free of charge to all SchooliP/CollegeiP customers, with an overview at the trust or federation level and also a detailed dashboard for each school too.

This will support the schools with their overall school improvement.

You can discuss the new dashboard with our Customer Care team by calling 0333 0433 450 or by sending an e-mail to

SchoolIP – free version available to the trust/federation central team
We want to encourage groups of schools to realise the benefits of implementing a system like SchooliP. To help we are providing trusts/federations with a free version of SchooliP to manage trust self-evaluation, trust improvement planning and staff appraisals, and CPD for the central team too.

If you would like to receive your free version for your trust/federation central team please book a brief online demonstration/meeting by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in a free online demonstration for your school click here.

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