
5 steps to a successful review


Professional development and the systematic review process are key to improving the quality of teaching and ultimately improving the outcome for students.


Professional development and the systematic review process are key to improving the quality of teaching and ultimately improving the outcome for students, so what are the key steps in a successful professional development review?


Setting appropriate targets for staff

Firstly, to ensure success we have to set objectives that are SMART. You can read our insight on Setting Smart Targets for Improvement.

Observing the practice of staff

It’s good practice next at key points throughout the review cycle, to get the view of peers like line managers and leaders of the teaching practice of staff during lessons, via learning walks and book/work scrutiny to make sure that their practice is meeting a prescribed set of guidelines.

Maintaining high standards

The Teachers’ Standards set a clear baseline of expectations for the professional practice and conduct of teachers. You can read our insight here to find out how teachers are meant to use them effectively.

Identifying areas for improvement

Through the monitoring of performance through observations, learning walks, and book scrutiny and ensuring that members of staff are adhering to the latest standards, we can find that areas for improvement may arise. You can read more about how to identify your development needs here.

Nurturing the talent

Finally, after identifying key areas for improvement we can provide training and support for staff to ensure we are addressing their needs and also reporting back on the impact of any training received. To find out more about how to make your professional development work for you click here.
A successful review process should be robust and consistent in its target setting, monitoring, and improvement activities.

If you’d like more help understanding how to get the best outcomes for students and staff why not get in touch and we can show you how our solution can support you and your team?

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