IP Newsletter September 2022

Your mobile evidence portfolio

It’s September and it’s time to return back to school or college, after what has been a long, hot summer! I still can’t believe that we’ve had probably one of the hottest summers on record and hopefully, the break has left you feeling rested and ready to get back to the business of teaching.

With the start of a new term comes the process of target settings for staff reviews and you need to start to think about how you’re going to record your evidence, ready to demonstrate how you more than meet the standard.

To help you with this task, we’ve developed a handy mobile app which will let you blog about your experiences and use the camera on the device to take photographs and video your professional development evidence.

Save yourself some time and download the free mobile app now using the QR codes below. Point your camera at the QR image, download the app and login.

Setting SMART targets for improvement

The first in our series of insights to get back into the swing of things is about setting objectives for staff that kick-start improvement and are SMART in their nature.

So, what are SMART targets and why should we be using them? The SMART in SMART target stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

To read the full insight click here.


Why not explore some SchooliP insights written by our education experts to support education theory and the embedding of SchooliP. Click here to see the full list of articles.

View our webinars

Don’t forget, that you can view the webinar recordings already completed this year. Select the subject area and then click on the ‘View Webinar’ button.

A message from the directors

If you know of other schools or colleges that you feel could benefit from SchooliP/CollegeiP please do forward their contact details to damien.roberts@derventioeducation.com.

Latest Insights

All the latest news and insights on whole-school improvement, staff well-being and empowering staff with their professional development.