Identifying your development needs


We’ve now covered the basics in terms of setting targets, ensuring the basic monitoring is in place and we’ve identified the standards to which we need to adhere.


We’ve now covered the basics in terms of setting targets, ensuring the basic monitoring is in place and we’ve identified the standards to which we need to adhere. So what’s next in terms of our series of insights into staff professional development?

Well, we need to celebrate what’s going well and also identify those areas where we could benefit from a little support.

Throughout the staff review process, but particularly during a monitoring event, it’s useful to identify “what went well” and also to identify possible areas for improvement.

These areas for improvement may have arisen from a recent lesson observation, learning walk or book/work scrutiny exercise. Alternatively, these areas could have been identified through an interim or mid-year review.

It helps greatly to identify these areas and then to create an action plan for personal development and improvement.

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Using a school improvement tool like SchooliP will enable you to identify your areas for development and to decide on a plan of action too. This could include establishing a mentoring process with your line manager or someone else that you trust.

It may also be useful to recommend any training that may facilitate the staff members’ development.

Staff may then attend the training and report back on the impact it has had.

Using a tool like SchooliP allows staff to identify these areas for development in their portfolio of evidence. Wider reports which are available to CPD leaders, help to identify common themes for development and using their budget, put in place a plan for training and development.

If you could do with some support with identifying areas for development or could use a tool that collates and identifies these common themes for development, why not book a free online demonstration?

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