The Higher Education Strategic Planners Association (HESPA) is the representative body for persons working in strategy and planning in UK Higher Education. HESPA prides itself on helping members to network, discuss and improve their expertise. They are dedicated to supporting the professional development and career progression of their members. With this in mind, our platform Celsus provides a comprehensive content management system to enable HESPA to meet their objectives.
Derventio is excited to partner with HESPA, working together to advance strategic planning and analytics in higher education.
Stuart Reece, CEO of Derventio Education
Celsus incorporates an events calendar, a member discussion area and the facility to share key documents. This allows members to continually learn and seek out new knowledge and understanding. Operational best practice can be shared and discussed with ease which helps to influence the future direction of Higher Education. The platform is a network for ideas and we are delighted that Celsus enables HESPA members to engage effectively with each other.
Celsus offers bespoke functions to meet the demands of your organisation. We are aware that HESPA members have contrasting needs and our platform helps to enhance understanding of key planning issues.
HESPA is a member of PHES (Professional Higher Education Services) which is an umbrella company for membership organisations in Higher Education. Celsus is also used by other PHES members, AUDE (Association of University Directors of Estates), BUFDG (British Universities Finance Directors Group) and UHR (Universities Human Resources). This illustrates the adaptable nature of Celsus and we are proud to work within the Higher Education sector.
Derventio Education carries out extensive bespoke development work for PHES (Professional Higher Education Services). We are proud to support an organisation that offers such a comprehensive service for its members. PHES provides a legal framework for different Higher Education sector organisations to run effectively and to share staff/operational resources. In operating in this manner, they are able to secure savings for their all organisations and members.
Don’t just take our word for it though. Click on the links below to find out how Celsus is being successfully used by many organisations.
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