SchooliP has been able to facilitate the direction of our PD vision; working with us to make this possible and being able to work with our requests.

At a Glance

Previous Challenges:

  • Paper-based school processes
  • Collaboration between staff
  • Collating evidence towards reviews

Current Benefits:

  • All key processes and paperwork are stored on SchooliP
  • Staff have the ability to speak to line-managers and others in the team
  • Evidence can be stored in multiple forms, allowing for video evidence, photos, files, etc.


SchooliP has been able to facilitate the direction of our PD vision; working with us to make this possible and being able to work with our requests. We have been able to work collaboratively with SchooliP to support processes and be innovative with how it can work.


Nicola stated “Staff are able to link in all areas of their work to SchooliP, sharing with other colleagues but also building up a virtual portfolio. Connections can be made with other staff in the school to share practice and ideas; supplementing the professional development of all staff and not just themselves.”

When asked about how SchooliP has impacted school processes, Nicola explained “… being able to use it as a professional portfolio as well as allowing all records to be in one place has really streamlined the paperwork. Where possible we are looking to use SchooliP to be our ‘paperwork’ base; adapting the monitoring forms where possible to ensure that we are not creating additional work but that this is also accessible to staff across school where needed.”

We asked Nicola about SchooliP’s affect on school data; she said “Engagement within the system and reflections of the teaching standards support SLT to be able to understand the strengths and areas for development across the school”

We then asked Nicola the following questions:

Does SchooliP save your school money?

Staff engagement in their own PD supports value and sense of belonging, which in turn could support staff retention. This would impact on school resources as the staff turnover would be less.

Does SchooliP reduce teacher workload?

Staff are able to link in all areas of their work to SchooliP, sharing with other colleagues but also building up a virtual portfolio.

Does SchooliP provide school data?

Engagement within the system and reflections of the teaching standards support SLT to be able to understand the strengths and areas for development across the school.

Does SchooliP improve teacher well-being?

Being able to reduce the workload of staff through the collaborative system, as well as having access to personalised monitoring forms has meant that wellbeing has improved.

How has SchooliP improved your school’s processes?

Although having only used this with staff for a couple of months; we have already noted that the engagement of staff, being able to use it as a professional portfolio as well as allowing all records to be in one place has really streamlined the paperwork.

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SchooliP was introduced to enhance staff development and make tracking progress easier.
SchooliP ensures everything's in one system, linking our school improvement plan, SEF and department improvement plans.
SchooliP combines a number of systems to help reduce workloads, providing data in a simple format that is easily accessed and utilised.

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